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The house may have belonged to one or the other of these two patrician personages whose names appears more than once in the election slogans painted on the facade. The house is Samnite in type and the tall entrance portal leads to a vestibule with a mosaic pavement in which the portal itself and a chained dog are depicted. Next come the atrium decorated with mosaic panels with figures of animals. This had already been damaged in the earthquake of 62 A.D., as had the style IV wall paintings, of which only two still life survive. At the centre of the pavement, an alabaster tondo is surrounded by a double guilloche motif, palmettes and animals in panels. After this come a series of rooms opening onto the peristyle; in one of these the remains of the bodies of seven children who had sought shelter when the volcano erupted were found. The room in the northeast corner is the triclinium and it contains an emblema with a comic scene in Nilotic surroundings with pygmies fishing. One of them is falling from the boat while crocodiles and a hippopotamus with gaping jaws wait for him in the water. At the center, the peristyle has what remains of the summer triclinium which stood under a pergola with four columns near a basin. Below are subterranean chambers used as a storeroom. A room at the back of the peristyle contained the humorous mosaic with an ass collapsing under the weight of a silenus.

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