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BETACEOS VARRONIS (Beets à la Varro)

BETACEOS VARRONIS (Beets à la Varro)

(Apic. 3, 2, 4) Ingredients:

  • 8 small beetroot
  • 100 ml mead (or sweet white wine with a tablespoon of honey)
  • 40 ml olive oil
  • Chicken pieces part-cooked in the oven (about 15 chunks)
  • Sea salt
  • Black pepper to taste

Cleaned well the beetroot, put them in a saucepan and add the mead, olive oil, salt and pepper and enough water to cover. Bring the liquid to the boil, add the chicken and continue cooking until the beetroot are done. Drain and serve immediately.

Archives of the ancient Recipes of Pompeii