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LEPOREM FARSILEM (Stuffed Roast Hare with White Sauce)

LEPOREM FARSILEM (Stuffed Roast Hare with White Sauce)

(Apic. 8, 8, 9) Ingredients:

  • 3 whole hares or wild rabbits
  • Pepper
  • Lovage (or chopped celery leaves)
  • Oregano
  • Cumin
  • Celery seeds
  • 100 g chicken livers
  • 3 raw eggs Yolk of a hard-boiled egg
  • Liquamen (or soya sauce)
  • 70 ml wine
  • 20 ml olive oil
  • 40 ml white wine vinegar
  • Onion, chopped

Remove the hare brains and fry along with the chiken liver, the hare liver, heart and kidneys. Chop the cooked meats together, add the pepper, lovage, oregano and Liquamen to this. Bind this mixture with the beaten eggs and use to stuff the body cavities of the hares. Place these in baking foil parcels and cook in the oven at 190° for about 80 minutes. Place the remaining herbs and spices in a mortar and grind together with a pestle. Mix in the boiled egg yolk and work into a ball. Meanwhile add the Liquamen, wine, oil and vinegar to a pan along with the finely-chopped onion. Bring this to the boil, add the ball of spices and reduce the heat to a simmer. Cook for at least 20 minutes and if necessary thicken with a little corn flour. Sprinkle the hare with pepper and serve accompanied with the sauce.

Archives of the ancient Recipes of Pompeii