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The discovery of the statue of Doriphorus, the symbol of youth and strength and a roman copy of the original of Polycletus, led early archaeologists to define this space with its surrounding colonnades beside the Large Theatre as a gymnasium (palestra). However, it was actually the headquarters of a military association of noble Pompeian youths who used to train here for parades and official competitions. The limited space available meant that certain kinds of training probably took place in the adjoining area of the Triangular Forum. The building dates back to the 2nd century B.C. and is enclosed by tuff-stone Doric columns on three sides only as, after the earthquake of 62 A.D., the nearby Temple of Isis was extended into the gymnasium area. Opposite the entrance there are two pedestals, the larger of which most probably housed the statue of Doriphorus. Beside it was a flight of steps which allowed the young athletes to place crowns on the statue. The lower pedestal was used for placing gift.

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